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Representing Howest at Connect 2024

Yesterday, Kyra, Cesar De Greve, Lorik andThijs attended Connect 2024, a conference about APIs organized by API Community Belgium. In this edition of Connect, we focused on both APIs in general as APIs to integrate AI models in applications.

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Quick facts

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    210 Attendees

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    18 Partners

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    12 Presentations

Our key takeaways

We listened to talks from booking.com, Theneo, CBTW, Bekaert, and others. Some key takeaways from this event include:

💡 No need to ever write API documentation ever again! With Theneo, you can let AI generate your documentation for you.

💡 OpenAI with ChatGPT is now a huge competitor for many companies that already generated content with AI long before ChatGPT came up. But proprietary and local AI models still have some advantages over ChatGPT, like data privacy and better results for specific use cases.

💡 Employees will use LLMs, even if they are not allowed to! Some best practices are therefore to run LLMs on premise, to manage the internal knowledge, and to educate your employees on the possible risks.


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    Kyra Van Den Eynde, AI/CS Researcher, AI Lead

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